
PhD admissions -       

Welcome to the Online Admission Portal, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. To start your Online Application Process, click here to Apply Now.
The University is only accepting online applications for SPRING  through this website, therefore during the application process; you must upload the electronic copies of your documents. There is no requirement to send hard copies of the documents/receipts. Extra fee (Rs. 1000/-) will be charged in case of you are unable to upload the documents by the application deadline. Once you enter all your information and upload the required documents, you can print Application Processing Fee challan form for payment. Please deposit the application fee via the challan form in the bank (Askari/HBL) and upload the paid copy of the receipt.
The admission section will verify your application/payment/documents and inform you if the application is submitted completely. You will receive confirmation of application acceptance or will be provided with the details in case of rejection/incomplete application.
For queries, you can contact the Quaid-i-Azam University admission section help lines on: +92-51-90642020, +92-51-90643265, +92-51-90644098, +92-51-90644216, +92-51-90644217, +92-51-90644218, +92-51-90644219 The office hours: 9:00am to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday. The admission office will remain close on Saturday and Sunday. You can also contact the admission office through email by sending your queries to:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Admission Requirements:

  1. The minimum CGPA for admission is 3.0 (out of 4.0 in the Semester System) or First Division (in the Annual System) in MPhil/MS/Equivalent degree from HEC recognized university.
  2. In case of in-service candidates, the applicants are required to submit NOC from the head of institution at the time of submission of PhD admission form. Further, he/she is required to submit study leave notification(s) at least for three years (as a whole or year wise) at least for one year extendable to three years duly signed by the competent authority at the time of joining the Department, failing to submit the leave notification the admission of the student shall be cancelled. The Supervisor and Chairperson of the Department/ Institute/School/Centre will ensure the study leave and report to the AS&RB along with progress report.
  3. The candidates applying for admission are required to submit a copy of synopsis/research work. Admission will be given subject to the availability of the Supervisor in the field of research strictly according to HEC’s requirements.

Course Work:

  1. Course work of 18 credit hours preferably in the first year is required to be completed and followed by a comprehensive examination for granting candidacy as PhD researcher.
  2. Admission to PhD programme is made on a competitive basis. The minimum period for completion of PhD Programme is three years whereas maximum period is seven years.
  3. The applicants must provide official certificate showing percentage of marks obtained in MSc/BS Hons/4-5 years programme.

How to Apply:

    1. The applicants can apply through Online Application System from the QAU website , along with a Challan of the Habib Bank Ltd. OR Askari Bank Ltd..
    2. The applicants are advised to deposit Rs.2115/- in any branch of Habib Bank Ltd. OR Rs.2100/- in any branch of Askari Bank Ltd. in favour of the Treasurer, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
    3. The Bank Challan should be attached with the online Application along with other scanned requisite documents, otherwise the application will not be entertained

The applicants are required to scan & attached the requisite/required documents with Online Application for verification of data and determination of merit:

Subject Test/Interview :

  1. The admission to PhD programme shall be made on the basis of cumulative merit to be determined from previous academic record, University written subject test and interview.
  2. Only the test pass applicants who secured 70% marks will appear before the interview/presentation of research proposals as per schedule of the Department/ Institute/ School/ Centre (DISC) concerned.
  3. The lists of pass applicants shall be displayed on the notice boards of the relevant Department/ Institute/ School/ Centre (DISC).
  4. Applicants appearing in the Entry Test must bring original CNIC for identification.
  5. If a test date is declared as holiday or for any reason, the test will be conducted on the next working day.

Test for  Admissions in PhD Bioinformatics on 

      National Centre for Bioinformatics (NCB)

 at National Center for Bioinformatics Building Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad.

The following areas are being offered for Ph.D Admission in Bioinformatics

All interested candidates are encouraged to apply.

NOTE: The date and time of interview shall be announced by NCB after the test. No separate call up letter for test/ interview will be issued. Hostel accommodation will only be provided, if available. Applications that are incomplete or received after due date shall not be entertained.

For Any Query Tel : 051-90644066

Test Guidelines:  

Computational Section


 Python Bioperl Java  Csharp



 FoxPro, Visual Basic

 Bioinformatics Section

 introduction to major genomic databases of eukaryotes (plants, Insects and Vertebrates)

 Introduction to major proteome databases of eukaryotes (plants Insects and Vertebrates)

Basic understanding of major comparative genomics )proteomics algorithms and their utility e.g. Global. and Local alignment programs

Basic understanding of phylogenetic tree construction algorithms and their utility e.g.Neighbor-Joining Minimum evolution Maximum Parsimony, UPGMA

Basic understanding of protein structure prediction computer tools algorithms, e.g.Homology modeling and protein threading etc.

Biochemistry Molecular biology section

Basic understanding of Molecular and biochemical mechanisms governing the cultural, developmental, and physiological aspects of eukaryotic life forms

 DNA replication



 energy-yielding metabolic pathways