Research Interest

Protein-protein interaction studies

Our main focus is to identify novel protein complexes and pathways involved in cancerogenesis both by wet lab and dry lab techniques. In parallel to protein interaction studies, we also characterize novel drug targets computationally.

Experimental approaches include, cloning, BN-PAGE, coimmunoprecipitation assay, GST-pull down, Ni-NTA method, immunostaining, whole mount in situ hybridization, chromatin immunoprecipitation assays and 2D-gel assays.

Rashid et al., 2009 (J. of Biological Chemistry)




Comparative Analysis of Cytoplasmic Dynein Light Chain DYNLL1 with Pilin to explore the molecular mechanism of pathogenesis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO (PLoS ONE, 2013).

Molecular Modeling, Docking and MD Simulation studies

For computational validation, we perform modeling, molecular dockings and MD simulation assays. In parallel to protein interactions, we also focus on exploring novel drug targets by computational tools.


Targeted disruption of gene by homologous recombination in mice

One of the goals of our lab is to establish techniques for the production of knockout and transgenic mice, which are a rich source of data isolation for bioinformatics studies. For this purpose, we developed a well-organized mice lab at National Center for Bioinformatics. Recently, we obtained a research grant from HEC to develop knockout mice for Reptin gene. Besides, we study gene expression at developmental stage and tissue levels. We are specialized in embryonic studies starting from 2-cell stage and later prenatal embryos.

Currently, one Ph.D student is working on Tcte3 knockout mice (Rashid et al., 2010) and another one is working on designing of Reptin knockout mice.