CONSTITUTION FOR: Bioinformatics Association QAU Islamabad






1:- NAME

The name of the Association shall be BINSA and it shall be a non-political & non-profitable voluntary Organization founded by National Centre for Bioinformatics QAU, in spring semester 2015.

2:- AIM

The aim of the Association is to promote an active academic and social relationship amongst old and current NCB students with teachers and Center.


To establish Binsa as an integral part of the QAU structure and to make it a valuable instrument in this important era of challenging will.

The Association will:-

a)      Maintain liaison with all ex students (Alumni) and teachers (serving and retired).

b)      Act as liaison between the industry and the NCB QAU and Centre and other universities.

c)      Honour and recognize the achievements of Teachers, Alumni and Students.

d)      Arrange/organize seminars/conferences/debates in all the field and particularly in Bioinformatics biology.

e)      Provide a healthy forum for ideas and discussion on any relevant issue that may benefit the education of students and organize guest speakers for the Association Members on suggested educational programmers and other matters of interest.

f)       Career counseling for Bioinformatics students to provide information about jobs, scholarships, scope of biochemistry and other related matters and extend financial support, assistance to students during their education.

g)      Arrange and promote co-curricular activities, such as informational/ recreational trip(s), departmental sports, parties, functions, Bioinformatics quiz etc.

h)      Publish departmental news letter(s) or magazine(s) etc) and ensure that a high level of social and educational interaction exists between students, teachers and all community.



Bodies of BINSA will include:


I) Board of Governor. This shall consist of.

1.)    Patron in chief: that shall be the Vice Chancellor of QAU.

2.)    Patron: that shall be the Chairperson of Bioinformatics  QAU.

3.)    Advisor: that shall be the Students Affairs In-charge of the Center QAU.

4.)    Two Members: that shall be the President and the General Secretary of BINSA



II)  Executive Body. This shall consist of the following elected office Bears:


1)      President:                                From M.Phil  3rd or Ph.D

2)      Vice President:                         From M.Phil 1st or 2nd

3)      General Secretary:                    From M.Phil 2nd

4)      Joint Secretary:                        From M.Phil

5)      Finance Secretary:                    From M.Phil

6)      Two Coordinators:                    From M.Phil & Ph.D(One reach)

III)       Executive Council. This shall consist of the following:

1)      Executive Body: the elected office bearers stated above.

2)      Representatives: as follows:

Ph.D rep. (One)

M.Phil rep. (two)



General Body. This shall consist of all Members of the Association.



 The members shall:

a)      Be responsible for planning, management and organization of the BINSA affairs:

b)      Hold regular (preferably Monthly ) meetings

c)      C) Appoint committees/sub-committees, task forces, discussion groups, person(s) etc and assign functions to these to encourage wider participating and interest of the community in the BINSA activities:



President: The President shall:

a)      Guide and supervise the executive in all BINSA matters.

b)      Chair all meeting of Executives.

c)      To settle all issues and isputes at executive level and cast a deciding vote in case of a tie.

d)      Lead all the BINSA delegation(s) except where a BOG member is present,


Vice President (VP)


The Vice President shall:


a)      Coordinate al activities of the Association.

b)      Arrange ans conduct all the BINSA meeting.

c)      Keep complete and correct records of the proceedings and decisions of all the BINSA meeting.

d)      Keep all documents, records and registers of the BINSA in safe custody.

e)      Coordinate with Alumni in Collaboration with the President.

f)       Maintain record of members the association (residential /Postal/Official and Email address) in coordination with Joint Secretary.

          Joint Secretary

The Joint Secretary shall:

Be the GS (acting) in absence of GS and shall do all acts and deeds that otherwise woulod be done by the Gs. At all other times the Js shall facilitate the General Secretary and the Executives in all the BINSA maters, in particular: the JS shall.

a)      Collect, update and provide information to all members in coordination with GS by using convenient communication tools ( email, notice boards, etc)

b)      Take notes during the meeting & facilitate GS in compiling minutes,

c)      Facilitate Gs in maintaining all the BINSA record.


The Coordinators Shall:-

Manage and coordinate all Co-curricular activities (trips, Sports get--gather, Farewells etc) in coordination with President and the GS.

Finance Secretary (FS)

 The Fs shall be responsible for all financial matters of the BINSA.  He shall:

a)      Maintain record of all monetary transactions and assets and submit an annual financial report to the General Body./

b)      He shall, jointly with the Gs, maintain and account in a schedule bank in the name of BINSA and deposit therein and withdraw their form all moneys paid to/received by and /or spent/paid by the BINSA and issue and receive receipts for other same.

c)      Whenever directed to do so by the President, submit a report, balance sheet or financial statements to the Executive body.

d)      Have custody of all securities, books and documents of financial nature and the accounting records of the BINSA\


a)         As soon as practicable, an account in name of the BINSA to be jointly operated by the FS and the President shall be opened ina schedule bank.]

b) Finances of the BINSA shall include annual fee collected from members and all kind of   Donations by Alumni or other sources.

c) The income and property of the BINSA howsoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion if its objectives as set out in this Constitution and no dividends, honus or otherwise howsoever to its members.

d) The financial year of the Association shall be from the 1st of January to 31st of December each year.


All accounts shall be either audited by the audit office of the QAU and /or by any other auditor appointed by the Patron/Patron in chief.


 Membership of the BINSA shall consists of

a)      Regular members:

Shall be consisted of current Students and Alumni.

b)       Ex-officio Members:

Shall be consisted of teachers (Present and retired)

c)      Honorary Members:

The honorary members may be offered by Executive Body/Council to such persons(s) as may be rendering meritorious services for BINSA


10: VOTING:-

Only regular members (clause 9 a) of the Association shall be eligible to vote provided their due is fully paid.


a)      All office bears of the association shall be elected each year as per election schedule.

b)      Election Schedule shall be announced at least 15 days before the election date.

c)      Nomination by members shall be seconded by another member with written consent of nominee.

d)      To be conducted under an election commissioner/Advisor (BINSA)

e)      The election shall be a secret ballot. The ballot shall bear the names of candidates nominated for election.

f)       A candidate can withdraw his/her name 3 days before the election date.

g)      In case there is no nomination for any of the Executive body/Council, then the president shall call a general meeting and appoint the officers.

h)      The elected members of Executive body/Council shall take the office immediately after the election.

i)        The term of any members of Executive body/Council will be one years, at the Conclusion of which period the office shall stand vacated and filled through elections except as otherwise stated in clause 14 and a person shall not hold the same position office for more than two consecutive years/terms.




The office shall fall vacant if:

a)      The office holder resigns during the elected term and the resignation  is accepted by the President/majority of the Executive body and /or Advisor/Patron of the BINSA

b)      If a member of executive body is absent from 3 consecutive meetings without permission of the President





Any vacancy in Executive body/conical, whether by reason of the operation of Clause 12 or otherwise, may be filled temporarily by any member, appointed by the Executive body/ conical, until filled permanently by Elections





Any office/members of the Executive Body/Council may be removed by Patron ( or a majority of ¾ members present at gener4al meeting)





This constitution may be amended or altered at any General Meeting of the Association, provided that:

a)      Notice of nay proposed amendment(s) alteration(s) have been given in writing to all members at least n week prior to such meeting.

b)      The amendment or alteration is approved by at least 2/3 of the member’s present and ratified by the Patron.





The common seal of the Association shall be in the custody of the General Secretary and shall be affixed to any document only pursuant to a resolution of the Executive Body. The affixation of the seal shall be witnessed by ( the secretary and either the President or the Vice-President)



These clauses bind every member and the Association to the same extent as if every member of the Association had signed and sealed these rules and agreed to be bound by all its provisions.